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A subsidiary of the International Progressive Breeders' Alliance founded 1996
Section 1:  The word "cat" regardless of age or gender, as used in these rules governing registration shall be understood as referring to any feline arising from a domestic or non-domestic feline ancestor. 
Section 2: The word "breed" shall be defined as a sub population of cats which differ from other cats with respect to certain physical characteristics which all members of the defined sub population share in common.  These characteristics are described in the written "standard" for the breed. 
Section 3:  The "breeder" of a cat is the registered owner or lessee of the dam of said cat at the time of conception. 
Section 4:  A "breed group" shall be defined as two or more breeds which share similar physical characteristics but differ from one another on the basis of one or more characteristics.  Each recognized breed association has the authority to determine breed the cat(s) to be utilized in the breed group for their respective breed.
Section 5:  Allowable outcrosses will include the predominant ancestor breed or species (domestic or non-domestic) from which the breed had developed.
Section 6:  The words "the association' and the initials "IPCBA" as used in these rules shall be understood as referring to the International Progressive Cat Breeders Alliance.
Home On-Line Forms
IPCBA Pricing Breed Association Links
Article  2 - Records Article  3 - Recognition of Breeds
Article 4 - Litter Registrations Article 5 - General Registration
Article 6 - Cattery Name Registration Article 7 - Show Rules
P.O. Box 311 
Upton, KY  42784 
Phone (270) 531-3662
Copyright © 1996 - 2004
Property of the International Progressive Cat Breeders' Alliance (IPCBA) and may not be copied, reproduced or reprinted without written authorization.
®All Rights Reserved