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A subsidiary of the International Progressive Breeders' Alliance founded 1996
The International Progressive Cat Breeders' Alliance, (IPCBA) founded in 1996 is the first registry of its kind, uniting breeders and enthusiasts of all breeds of cats in one unique registry.  IPCBA is composed of Chartered Breed Associations.  In IPCBA, chartered Breed associations work similar to the manner in which Breed committees function in other registries.  The main difference is that IPCBA gives full control of the breed to the breed charters.  Full control means that the breed charter determines (among other things):  1) the breed standard for their individual breed, 2) point allocation, 3) breed groups, 4) permissible out crosses, 5) what individual colors and patterns are acceptable for championship.  In contrast, other registries dictate how the breed standard must be written, for example 1) point allocation, 2) one has to apply to have a color or pattern accepted for championship, and 3) in the case of adding one simple dilute, all colors in the dilute category would have to be accepted....... this is not so in IPCBA.
The founders of the International Progressive Cat Breeders' Alliance believe that the breeding of all animals is an art form, and as such, breeders should have the freedom to express themselves and their vision for their breed (s) in their breeding programs.
IPCBA was developed to:
Give creative freedom to breeders to develop new breeds of cats and to preserve the old breeds as they wish without interference from registries.
Create an international alliance among cat breeders and enthusiasts around the world.
Unite breeders of all breeds of cats in one unique, powerful organization, in which breeders work together to protect all cat breeds and their hobby from restrictive legislation.
The IPCBA currently recognizes 73 new and old breeds of cats, making it the largest all-breed cat registry in the world.
IPCBA Pricing On-Line Forms
Breed Association Links Article 1 - Definition
Article  2 - Records Article  3 - Recognition of Breeds
Article 4 - Litter Registrations Article 5 - General Registration
Article 6 - Cattery Name Registration Article 7 - Show Rules
If you don't see a breed association  for the kind of cat (s) that you breed and are interested in seeing one or are interested in forming a breed association for the cat (s) that you breed, please contact IPCBA  for details.
P.O. Box 311 
Upton, KY  42784 
Phone (270) 531-3662
IPCBA is a subsidiary of The International Progressive Breeders' Alliance, (IPBA) click IPBA to learn more about The International Progressive Breeders' Alliance.
Copyright © 1996 - 2023
Property of the International Progressive Cat Breeders' Alliance (IPCBA) and may not be copied, reproduced or reprinted without written authorization.
®All Rights Reserved